The Value of a Sustainment Options Report (SOR)

The Value of a Sustainment Options Report (SOR)

The Value of a Sustainment Options Report (SOR)

GDCA is the leading industry provider of legacy manufacturing and obsolescence management services. We build new sources of supply for discontinued or obsolescence ridden electronics and it all begins with a sustainment options report (SOR). 

What is a SOR? 

A SOR is GDCA’s way of summarizing all of the options available to our clients, as well as each option’s costs. The SOR defines possible solutions and the key building blocks needed for each one.

In order to develop a SOR, we first ensure that we know all details pertaining to the customer’s requirements. We learn the board’s history, the part’s technical requirements, as well as any contracting requirements. Most importantly, we learn how long they’ll need the part and the type of support that they require. Our goal is to ensure that we provide consistent and proactive support for the length of time the customer requires the product, whether that’s five years or thirty. 

Once we have all of the necessary information, GDCA works with the OEM, to develop a solution that is fit for the customer. Often, they are able to find old stock, provide another last-time buy, help set up a new production capability, or offer some other alternative. This gives the customer multiple options directly from the OEM.

When we have gathered all of the information on all the possible options that the customer can utilize to ensure  their board’s life cycle requirements, we pull it  together into a full assessment that includes all options and their prices–the SOR.

The value of a SOR:

The Sustainment Options Report provides a lot of value to our customers. One of the key parts of its importance is the way it brings everyone together. All of the ‘requirements’ laid out within the SOR ensure that the entire team is involved. This  includes ourselves, those in product management, related parts of the supply chain, the OEM, and all other stakeholders. Everyone is given a full understanding of the problem and the solution required. The SOR is formulated in a way that requires all stakeholders in the product to assess the possible solutions and keep everyone engaged. We do not move forward without the entire team’s consensus and understanding of the requirements. 

Many of our customers originally had very limited options before they came to us. Most were stuck with the decision of making an expensive upgrade or buying an equally expensive refreshed system. Through our research in the SOR, we give them options that they did not have before. Those options come in many forms, whether it’s reigniting the OEM to support them one last time, or providing that support ourselves.

Another valuable aspect of a SOR is the breadth of information it provides to customers. Every requirement is clearly outlined, as are all discussions with the OEMs and their outcomes. Customers are given a technical assessment and an assessment of the associated costs, risks, and timelines of each possible solution. They are also given a final, total cost of ownership, among other invaluable information. Our goal with this is to ensure that our customers can make informed decisions about their boards and move forward with confidence.

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As the pioneer in COTS obsolescence management, GDCA is authorized by our OEM partners to continue to manufacture and repair the embedded legacy products critical to long-lasting applications. Using OEM-authorized IP and original specifications, GDCA provides repair, long-term customer support, manufacturing, and sustainment for over three thousand End-of-Life, COTS, and custom-embedded computer boards and systems.

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