Critical Thoughts

Notes from the Road (We’re Back, Baby!)

By Ethan Plotkin | June 3, 2022

Like most people, I haven’t been traveling much since early 2020, but over these past couple of years of pandemic-imposed video calls, I’ve become amazed at how quickly and naturally […]

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The Win-Lose Dilemma

By GDCA | February 18, 2022
road signs

All people face personal dilemmas during their lifetimes. Corporations, made up of people, face a fair number of professional dilemmas as well. Companies that produce embedded computer products are aware […]

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Winning the Battle but Losing the War

By Ethan Plotkin | February 18, 2022
winning battle

People may not know that Napoleon’s defeat at the hands of the Russian coalition was preceded by his capture of Moscow in 1812. Although that victory seemed decisive for him […]

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Do your legacy products spark joy?

By Ethan Plotkin | July 19, 2021
joy happy declutter

“We have too much stuff,” my wife said six months into the pandemic. We’d done purges before, but they never lasted. Soon afterward, she’d say, “We STILL have too much […]

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Wood Burning as Disposition for End-of-Life Products

By Tania Scroggie | June 19, 2021
new venture wood

Wood Burning as Disposition for End-of-Life Products I live on a ranch in northern California. This winter, we accounted for the dead oak trees and cleared them for the first […]

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The Cost of Ad Hoc Obsolescence Management

By Tania Scroggie | May 6, 2021

The Cost of Ad Hoc Obsolescence Management Original Equipment Manufacturers that approach the support of older or legacy designs as a random eventuality often adopt an ad hoc attitude toward […]

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Mergers and Acquisitions

By Tania Scroggie | April 6, 2021
road trip

Mergers and Acquisitions Sometimes we think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. These days, it is not difficult to think this when social media allows […]

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Recap: Sustainment Symposium 2020

By GDCA | March 10, 2021
group of people

The team here at GDCA has always looked forward to attending the DMSMS conference each December as a capstone to the year. It was a magical time when DMSMS wonks obsessed with DMSMS solutions and obsolescence […]

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Helping you keep your New Year’s resolution

By Ethan Plotkin | March 8, 2021
quit smoking

I used to be a cigarette smoker. Each New Year I resolved to stop smoking, and I’d stash my “last” half-pack of cigarettes deep inside a dark drawer. Months later, […]

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Interview: Are Obsolescence Management Processes Crucial to Corporate Strategy?

By Tania Scroggie | February 25, 2021
Holger Wussman interview

In the following Q&A format, Holger Wussman, chief executive officer for Kontron Electronics, an electronic manufacturer service provider, gave his feedback to Tania Scroggie for the article “Why Obsolescence Management […]

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